Nicole Mae

You are limitless. You are worthy. You are ​adequate. Find awareness and change your life ​forever.

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Nicole is a Breathwork and Mindbody Coach with a ​passion to help others find clarity and productivity in ​a world that often leads to overwhelm. Her work, ​grounded in the transformative power of breath and ​mindset, is a way for those seeking to ease stress and ​unlock their true potential. With Nicole, life’s hurdles ​become pathways to growth, resilience, and joy, ​transforming life into a source of fulfillment and well-​being. She's not just a coach; she's a companion on ​the journey to discovering the beauty within ​challenges and the strength within ourselves.


July Group Breathwork Sessions:

Cottage Grove Parks & Rec Dept.

August 12th 6:00-7:00 PM - $22

Main St. Yoga

124 W. Main St. Stoughton

August 21st - 5:30-7:00 - $​3​3​

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Blue Soul Yoga

5440 Willow Rd., Waunakee

August 22nd - 5:30-7:00 PM - $27

Zoom Group Session

August 26th 8:15-9:30 PM CST - $20​

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Email ​ ​to sign up or fill out this ​FORM

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Single moms

Being a single working mom can feel ​incredibly challenging. Juggling work, kids, ​and personal responsibilities can leave you ​exhausted, stressed, and overwhelmed.

You may often feel isolated, guilty, and ​stretched thin trying to manage everything ​on your own.

My coaching program is flexible and works ​around your schedule, making it easy to ​integrate into your busy life.

If you’re ready to transform your life, ​schedule a call to learn more about our ​coaching program for single working moms ​and discover how you can create a more ​balanced, stress-free life.

As a breathwork and mindbody coach, I can ​help you:

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Scribble Point for Bullet Journal
Scribble Point for Bullet Journal
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Calm Your Mind and Body

Manage Daily Pressures

Face Challenges with a Positive Mindset

Increase Your Energy and Drive

Cultivate Self-Love and Compassion

Corporate Breathwork

Creativity and innovation are lacking, ​projects rarely meet deadlines, ​communication is nearly non-existent, stress ​is causing major burnout, and calling in sick ​has become the norm for many employees.

While this might sound extreme, it's often ​true for many businesses.

How can you transform your workforce to ​have more focused employees with reduced ​stress and burnout? How can you create a ​work environment where communication ​flows effortlessly? How can you help ​everyone feel seen and heard? How can you ​motivate your employees to get work done ​on time?

It’s simple: Breathwork

We understand the demands of the modern ​workplace. Our proven methods combine ​breathwork with subconscious reprogramming to ​help employees remove limiting beliefs, resulting ​in a more unified and motivated workforce.

Schedule a call to learn more about our corporate ​breathwork programs and how we can help ​transform your workplace into a stress-free, ​productive environment.

want to go deeper?

If you are a single working ​mom (or even a working ​mom with a partner) ​download my free guide to ​find out how to:

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Scribble Point for Bullet Journal
Scribble Point for Bullet Journal

Reduce Stress

Find Joy

Free Yourself


What is breathwork?

Breathwork is a practice that involves using specific breathing ​techniques to improve physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It's ​a way to access deeper states of consciousness, release stress, and ​promote healing.

What breathwork techniques are used in your sessions?

Conscious Connected Breathing (CCB) is a breathing technique that ​involves conscious, continuous, and connected breaths without pauses ​between inhalation and exhalation. It's designed to influence a person’s ​physical, mental, and emotional states through controlled breathing ​patterns.

How does breathwork work?

Breathwork works by consciously changing your breathing pattern to ​influence your mental, emotional, and physical state. CCB works by ​consciously controlling the breath, which can help regulate the ​autonomic nervous system. This regulation can lead to reduced stress, ​improved emotional regulation, and enhanced physical well-being by ​potentially altering the brain's connectivity and processing.

What are the benefits of breathwork?

Benefits of breathwork include stress reduction, emotional release, ​increased self-awareness, improved physical health, enhanced focus ​and clarity, spiritual growth, and a sense of community and connection.

Can Conscious Connected Breathing improve attention and ​learning?

Yes, research suggests that conscious breathing exercises can improve ​attentional stability and cognitive tasks in adults, indicating its potential to ​support learning and mental alertness

Is breathwork suitable for everyone?

While breathwork is generally safe, it's not suitable for everyone. People ​with aneurysms, asthma (only if severe), epilepsy, high blood pressure not ​controlled with medication, history of strokes or seizures, if you’re pregnant, ​history of heart attack, recent surgery, or severe mental illness should ​consult a healthcare professional before participating.

What can I expect in a breathwork session?

In a breathwork session, you can expect to be guided through various ​breathing techniques, which may lead to a release of emotions, physical ​sensations, and a sense of deep relaxation. Each session is unique and ​offers an opportunity for personal growth and healing.

How should I prepare for a breathwork session?

To prepare, have a cushion or mat for comfort, a blanket handy, wear loose ​clothing, stay hydrated, and avoid heavy meals 1-2 hours before the ​session.

faqs cont.

Are there any side effects of breathwork?

Some people may experience temporary physical sensations such as ​tingling or lightheadedness during breathwork. Emotional releases are ​also common. It's important to listen to your body and take breaks if ​needed.

What are the physiological effects of Conscious Connected Breathing?

Physiological effects of CCB include changes in heart rate variability ​(HRV), indicating a shift towards a more relaxed state, and potentially ​improving cardiovascular health. It also affects the autonomic nervous ​system, promoting a balance between the sympathetic and ​parasympathetic systems, leading to reduced stress levels and ​enhanced relaxation.

Can Conscious Connected Breathing help with emotional regulation?

Yes, CCB has been shown to help with emotional regulation by reducing ​symptoms of anxiety and depression and improving overall mood ​states. This is thought to be due to its impact on the autonomic nervous ​system and the enhancement of self-awareness and mindfulness ​during practice.

How often should I practice breathwork?

The frequency of breathwork practice can vary depending on individual ​needs and preferences. Some people find benefits from daily practice, ​while others may attend weekly or monthly sessions.

Can I practice breathwork at home?

Yes, you can practice breathwork at home once you've learned the techniques ​from a qualified instructor. It's important to create a safe and comfortable ​environment for your practice.

Where can I learn more about breathwork?

You can learn more about breathwork by attending workshops, sessions with ​certified instructors, reading books on the subject, or exploring online resources ​and courses.

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